On Thursday, October 19, 2023, EC marked an enormous milestone with the transfer of 1,400 acres of its property in the...

On Thursday, October 19, 2023, EC marked an enormous milestone with the transfer of 1,400 acres of its property in the...
In mid-June, EC welcomed USEPA staff and Mid-Atlanic Regional Administrator Adam Ortiz to its Truesdale Bank site in...
The National Wildlife Federation highlighted Earth Conservancy’s and EPCAMR's work to reclaim abandoned mine lands and...
Good news for Earth Conservancy from the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) this week, who has awarded a $200,000 Brownfields Cleanup grant for third segment of our Espy Run stream restoration project, Segment C! Funding will underwrite reconstruction 400' of...
It was a fantastic afternoon for Earth Conservancy (EC), as US EPA Region 3 Administrator Cecil Rodrigues revealed three $200,000 Brownfields Cleanup grants had been awarded to EC. Two grants will support reclamation of Bliss Bank. One will help fund restoration of...
More good news for Earth Conservancy’s ongoing work at the Askam Borehole AMD Treatment System: The Pennsylvania DCED has awarded EC $85,000 through its AMD Abatement & Treatment Program, part of the Act 13/Marcellus Legacy Fund. The monies will help underwrite...
With work underway on the Askam Borehole AMD Treatment System wayside exhibit with students from Solomon/Plains Jr. High School, support for the project continues to grow. Earth Conservancy is the proud recipient of a nearly $5,000 grant from Luzerne County's...
EC was founded with belief that through reclamation of mine-scarred lands, environmental and economic revitalization could occur within the communities of the lower Wyoming Valley. Through this retrospective video produced in 2014, viewers gain a better understanding...
Earth Conservancy was pleased to take part in Penn State's College of Agriculture Sciences leadership team tour on May 31, 2011. Featured on the tour was EC's Silt Pond Reclamation, off Middle Road in Hanover Township. EC partnered with the Chesapeake Bay Foundation...