

Celebrating nearly 30 Years of Mine Land Reclamation, Conservation, & Economic Development in the Wyoming Valley

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Vision & Mission

In 2008, Earth Conservancy’s Board of Directors developed the following vision and mission statements to guide its work.

Vision:  Earth Conservancy will lead and partner with communities in the reclamation of mine-scarred lands and streams, returning strong economic, environmental, and social value to the region by creating a well-planned, vibrant valley, protected by green ridgetops.

Mission:  Earth Conservancy is a nonprofit organization committed to the reclamation and return of 16,000 acres of former coal company-owned land to the region. It collaborates with local communities, government agencies, education institutions, and the private sector to spearhead the creation and implementation of plans that restore the land’s economic, recreational, residential, and ecological value.

To fulfill its mission, Earth Conservancy

1. Develops sustainable land-use plans
2. Commits to provide 10,000 acres for recreation and open space
3. Leads reclamation efforts of mine-scarred lands and water resources and guides their reutilization
4. Funds its work through the sale of Conservancy land and other resources, and through public and private sector partners
5. Partners with local communities to achieve our mission
6. Educates the community-at-large on environmental issues, the benefits of reclamation, and effective land-use planning