

2015  •  15 acres  •  Warrior Run Borough, Luzerne County, PA

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The Warrior Run reclamation project is located off of Slope Street, adjacent to a residential neighborhood.  The 15-acre tract had been covered with mine spoils, dumped there by local collieries decades ago.  From the air, the waste rock appeared like fingers, trailing through the woods.  Reclaimed in 2015, the site may eventually be available for residential use.

February 2016 | Final reports submitted to US EPA.

November 2015 | Earthwork completed and seeding occurs.

May 2015 | Equipment mobilized and earthwork begins.

April 2015 | Bids received.  Contract awarded to lowest qualifed bidder, N&B Construction.

March 2015 | Bid package completed.  EC publicly advertises RFP for construction services.  

February 2015 | NPDES permit approved.  Construction bid package prepared.

December 2014 | Design work is completed and permit request is submitted to Luzerne Conservation District.

August 2014 | US EPA formally approves cooperative agreement with EC for the Slope Street project.  EC publicly advertises RFP for engineering services.  G. & Albert Consultants is awarded project and begins design work.

May 2014 | EC is awarded a $200,000 Brownfields Cleanup grant from US EPA.

December 2013 | EC engages Pennsylvania Tectonics to perform a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment in preparation for its application to US EPA for a Brownfields Cleanup Grant.

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$200,000 – US EPA, Brownfields Cleanup Grant
$91,171 – EC

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WR 1

Aerial view of the mine spoils left from legacy mining operations off of Slope Street in Warrior Run Borough.

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Construction of an access road was required to reach the isolated site. On the left-hand side of the road is a silt sock, which is used to prevent erosion/sedimentation during the construction period.

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As the site is cleared of scrubby vegetation, the spoils become more apparent. Here, an excavator continues clearing operations.

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Grading of the spoil material with a bulldozer.

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Side view of the graded bank.

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After grading is finished, the site is re-vegetated using a blend of grass seeds and then covered with protective mats. Re-vegetation not only provides habitat, but also prevents erosion and mitigates production of acid mine drainage in the watershed.

WR 7

Spring view of the reclaimed Warrior Run site.

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