2014 • 390 acres • Nanticoke & Hanover Township, Luzerne County, PA

Hanover 9 was one of EC’s larger sites requiring reclamation, extending into both Nanticoke and Hanover Township. The Blue Coal Corporation had performed exploratory drilling across the site, searching for anthracite deposits. None were found. The site was left with uneven terrain punctuated by numerous deep, water-filled pits. EC began to address the property in 2011, dividing it into smaller sections based on topography and available funds. Reclamation of the site was completed in 2014.
Hanover 9 was purchased in 2018 by Missouri-based developer NorthPoint Development, with plans for three distribution center. Currently, one houses e-commerce retailer Spreetail. The second building, at 1.4 million square-feet, is occupied by national home improvement wholesaler True Value. NorthPoint representatives project nearly 1,550 jobs will be created across the buildings.
September 2014 | Portions of Hanover 9, Phase II are re-seeded.
August 2014 | All site work completed, including hydroseeding. However, due to lack of precipitation, grass has not sufficiently taken hold.
June 2014 | Reclamation of Parcel B and C complete, including excavation of two stormwater basins. Work on Parcel D is 80% complete.
May 2014 | PEC holds two tree plantings in partnership with EPCAMR. Sixty trees are planted on the Phase I site.
April 2014 | Reclamation of Parcel B underway.
February 2014 | Mobilization of equipment / preparation of site begins.
July 2013 | Bids are received. Contract for Phase II reclamation awarded to Earthmovers Unlimited.
June 2013 | EC advertises for construction services for Phase II project.
March 2013 | Pennsylvania Environmental Council (PEC) awarded PA DEP Growing Greener grant for riparian buffer plantings on Parcel A.
January 2013 | Specifications and plans for Phase II completed. Permit applications submitted.
September – December 2012 | Engineer prepares ABCA for Phase II project and submits to US EPA for review. Availability of ABCA for public comment is advertised an public meeting held. No comments are received.
June 2012 | Reclamation of Phase I completed.
April 2012 | Reclamation of Phase I parcel begins.
March 2012 | Proposals for Phase I project received. Lowest qualified bidder is Popple Construction. Contract executed.
January – February 2012 | Bids for revised Phase I reclamation solicited. ABCA made available for comment. Public meeting scheduled and held. No comments are received.
December 2011 | Bids received exceed funding available. Revisions to design plans are requested from engineer.
September 2011 | Request for bids for construction services for Phase I advertised.
March 2011 | Permit applications submitted to PA DEP and US Fish & Wildlife Service for Phase I project.
January 2011 | PA DEP awards EC Growing Greener award for Phase II project.
April 2010 | EC awarded three $200,000 Brownfields Cleanup grants from US EPA for Phase II reclamation (Parcels B, C, & D).
March 2009 | ABCA completed and submitted to US EPA for review.
May 2009 | EC awarded $200,000 Brownfields Cleanup grant from US EPA for Phase I project (Parcel A).
April 2009 | EC solicits bids for engineering design and permitting services. Contract awarded.
February 2009 | EC awarded PA DEP Growing Greener grant for Phase I of the Hanover 9 reclamation, totaling 37 acres.

$754,000 – PA DEP, Growing Greener Grants
$754,000 – US EPA, Brownfields Cleanup Grants
$111,693 – EC