

2006  •  50 acres  •  Hanover Township, Luzerne County, PA

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The Hanover 7A site – also known as Cleveland Bank – was in a prime position for reuse, as it was situated just off of S.R. 29 and adjacent to the Hanover Industrial Estates.  Remediation was required, however, not only to reclaim the mine-scarred sections, but also to cap area used as a landfill after the Agnes flood.  Work on the site was completed in 2006.  Half of the property was sold to a developer in 2019, who would go on to construct a new Pennsylvania State Police barracks and training facility for Troop P.  The remaining 30 acres are being evaluated for a regional recreation area.

September 2020 | EC awarded $22,000 C2P2 grant to develop a Master Site Development Plan for potential recreation area on remaining 30 acres by PA DCNR.

September 2019 | Developer PSP NE, LLC, purchases 20 acres of reclaimed site to build new headquarters for PA State Police, Troop P.  The facility opens in February 2021.

December 2018 | EC engages Kriger to perform engineering, permitting, and construction of access road.  Work is completed in 2020.

December 2017 | EC awarded $2 million grant from Multimodal Transportation Fund by PA DCED to construct three access roads, one of which will connect to the Hanover 7A property.

June 2006 | Cap, placement of topsoil (1,300 loads), and seeding of 47 acres completed.  Approximately three acres need to be readdressed due to flooding during the month.

March 2006 | Ash placement approximately 75% complete.

February 2005 | Work begins on placement of ash to cap the site.

April 2004 | Majority of stormwater system complete.

June 2003 | Earthwork begins.

May 2003 | Competitve bids received for construction services.  No. 1 Contracting is contracted as lowest qualified bidder.

December 2001 | EC engages Borton-Lawson to complete engineering design for reclamation.

March 2001 | EC awarded Growing Greener grant for $923,000 to reclaim site by PA DEP.

December 1998 | Geotechnical report determines suitability of several locations for future development.

November 1998 | Geotechnical drilling operations occur.

September 1998 | PA DEP approves request to conduct additional geotechnical testing.

June 1998 | EC sells 170 acres of the site to the Greater Wilkes-Barre Chamber of Business & Industry.

April 1998 | PA DEP concludes no further remedial action is needed for Hanover 7A, but does recommend additional geotechnical analysis.

January 1998 | On-site meeting of representatives from EC, PA DEP, and Senator Musto to discuss funding strategies for reclamation.

December 1997 | Draft reports are compelted and submitted to PA DEP.

July – August 1997 | Evaluation continues, which includes sampling from test pits and monitoring wells.

Prior to June 1997 | EC awarded $183,585 by PA DCED and $60,000 by Luzerne County to complete Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments on Hanover 7A.  Engineering firm Roy F. Weston, Inc., is contracted for the two studies and evaluation begins.

Compost Information


$930,000 – PA DEP, Growing Greener Program
$183,000 – PA DCED, Industrial Sites Reuse Program
$60,000 – Luzerne County
$528,000 – EC
$7,000 – Private Sector

Compost Information


H7A 2

On-site conditions of Cleveland Bank before reclamation.

H7A 3

Another view of flood debris on Hanover 7A.

H7A 4

Grading operations underway.

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Continued grading of the site with a bulldozer.

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Placement and grading of topsoil.

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Mass seeding of site.

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Aerial view of reclaimed Cleveland Bank/Hanover 7A site.

H7A 9

Facade of new PA State Police headquarters on western side of site.

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