2009 • 14 acres • Hanover Township, Luzerne County, PA

Adjacent to a neighborhood, Franklin Bank was an unsightly 13.82-acre barren pile of mine spoils. EC was awarded a Brownfields Cleanup grant in 2005 to reclaim it – no easy task as thousands of tons of material had to be removed, not only to make the site developable, but also to remove a source of AMD in the Solomon Creek watershed. The project was completed in 2009 and the property purchased by a local developer in 2010 with the plan of constructing 46 two-story duplex homes. Construction began on the Sunny Hills development in 2016.
August 2009 | Final grading and seeding of site completed.
June 2009 | Removal of culm material completed.
December 2008 | Approximately 50% of reclamation is complete and re-vegetated; 80% of stormwater work finished. Removal of remaining culm continues.
May 2008 | Contractor selected and work begins.
March 2008 | EC publicly solicits bids for construction services.
January – February 2008 | EC publicly advertises availability of ABCA. Public meeting is held February 25th. No comments are received.
April – December 2007 | Revisions to work plan made and submitted to US EPA for review. Comments received, EC resubmits, and ABCA approved.
December 2006 | Construction bids for Franklin Bank reclamation solicited. Bids received surpass available grant funds. Revision of reclamation plan requested.
October 2006 | On-site meeting held with EC, Borton Lawson, and US EPA to inspect site and review project requirements.
July 2006 | Luzerne Conservation District approves stormwater management plan.
April 2006 | Hanover Township approves zoning request for removal of culm.
March 2006 | Borton Lawson completes conceptual design and submits requests for required permits.
December 2005 | After receiving approval from US EPA, EC engages Borton Lawson for the Franklin Bank project.
November 2005 | EC solicits proposals for engineering design and permitting services.
May 2005 | US EPA awards EC $200,000 Brownfields Cleanup grant.
November 2003 | EC engages Borton Lawson to perform topographic survey and assess reclamation costs and development alternatives for Franklin Bank.

$200,000 – US EPA, Brownfields Cleanup Grant
$137,000 – EC